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Writer's pictureSangsara

Frizzy hair, need care!

invest in your hair, it's the crown you never take off.

Pollution, sedentary lifestyle, and continuous exposure to heat and chemicals can make your hair lifeless, frizzy, and prone to common hair problems like hair loss, infections, and disorders. Whether it is the blow dry addiction or regular root touch-ups, hot showers, or regular hair straightening, in one way or the other we are all guilty of being less than kind with our hair.

If your journey to achieve healthy-looking, smooth, long, and lustrous hair comprises a bunch of products and an endless number of tips and remedies, then my friend, you aren't alone.

The bad news is, that all of this might not be working for you. The good news, however, is that you don't need all of this. Sometimes, all you need are simple and personalized hair care solutions to help you achieve beautiful and strong hair. Sangsara brings to you such an expert with their Ayurvedic Hair Capsules. This is an organic and nourishing formula that targets the most common hair problems that hamper hair growth. Your hair is sensitive to changes in the environment, diet, and overall health, which is why they need constant attention and care. It is always good to identify these changes in time and resort to Ayurvedic solutions to ensure good hair health.

But what are these common hair problems?

  1. Dandruff

The most common hair problem, dandruff needs no introduction. It is the condition when the dead skin on your scalp peels off as white flakes. There can be two types of dandruff -dry and wet. The dry scalp usually occurs in winters when due to hot showers, oil in the scalp soaked up while wet dandruff occurs in summers as scalp glands secrete excess sebum. This sebum accumulates on the scalp along with dust particles and forms white flakes. One of the other common symptoms of this problem is constant itching on the scalp.

Dandruff is usually attributed to poor hygiene (irregular washing of hair), sensitivity to certain hair products, stress, and a skin condition called Seborrheic Dermatitis.

  1. Uncontrolled hair fall

If you observe a sudden and noticeable increase in the hair on your comb, dressing table, pillow, and clothes, it is time to look back at your lifestyle. Not just that, other symptoms of hair loss include thinning of hair, bald patches, and a receding hairline.

Hair loss is a very common problem and can occur due to various factors including hormonal imbalance, excessive use of harmful chemicals, heat, pollution, aging, stress, unhealthy diet, scalp infection, and sometimes some medical conditions.

Whatever be the reason, hair loss requires your immediate attention. Some of the first steps you can take are to include vitamins and minerals in your diet and use organic or ayurvedic hair products instead of chemical-based. Massaging your scalp and hair with hot oils, exercising, and avoiding heat styling tools are also some great ways to protect your hair from falling.

  1. Split Ends

Split ends occur when the oil from your scalp doesn't reach the end of your hair. The hair shafts dry up and split from the ends. There are many other symptoms of split ends, these include rough and frizzy hair and contour hair breakage.

It can usually happen if your hair is excessively dry and frayed. Regular heat styling and hair colouring also lead to split ends.

Did you know?

Over-brushing your hair or brushing them roughly also weakens your hair, causing split ends and breakage.

One way to avoid and eliminate the damage is the regular trimming of hair. But for those who don't trim, there are other ways to keep split ends at the bay. You can stay with using hair-friendly accessories like soft and squishy hair bands and rubber bands instead of the rough ones. Detangling hair with a wide-toothed brush and using a microfiber towel for drying your hair also help. Regular consumption of Sangsara's Ayurvedic Hair Capsules is an easy and effective way to keep not just split ends, but many other associated hair problems away!

  1. Greasy or Dry hair

As mentioned before, hair that lacks natural oil and moisture is recognized as dry while excessive sebum secretion makes hair greasy. The balance has to be maintained for healthy and smooth hair.

Did you know?

Brushing your hair increases blood speculation, which further boosts oil production and makes your hair look greasy and sticky. The use of excess conditioner is also a common cause of great hair.

On the other hand, the use of hard water and excessive hair wash are common causes of dry hair. Sometimes, nutritional deficiencies can also cause dry and frizzy hair.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle (including hygiene, a balanced diet, and hydration) is the key to achieving the perfect balance between dry and greasy hair. Minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and heat styling products plays a significant role in making your hair look and feel healthy.

  1. Premature greying of hair

A condition when your hair starts greying at an early age, as early as the schooling age. Genes are one of the very common causes of this hair problem. While other causes include lowering melanin production, excessive stress, and smoking

What helps the most in such a problem is the regular use of ayurvedic herbs or alternatively, ayurvedic supplements from Sangsara. While the addition of vitamin B12 in the diet also helps balance the melanin production in the hair follicles.

There are as many hair problems in the world as the number of hair on your head. Every type of hair has its own problems and its own solutions. However, a severe scalp infection, hereditary hair loss, hair loss due to hormonal imbalances or menopause are some other cases in which immediate consultation is advised.

Always remember, as much as you may try to hide your hair problems under layers of products and hairstyles, your hair has its way to tell you something isn't right. Make sure you listen and take relevant steps right in time to prevent your hair from further damage.

You're one step away from healthy, strong and lustrous hair. Try Sangsara Ayurvedic Hair Tablets and start your journey of achieving your dream lengths today!

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