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How does your sedentary lifestyle affect your skin?

We are living in an era where advanced technology has taken over so many aspects of our lives. And this situation is a paradoxical one. On one hand, technology has made our lives easy, allowing us to be more knowledgeable, productive, organised, and super fast and on the other hand, it's because of the continuous and high exposure to technology that pair lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary. Lakh of physical activity and improper diet are just two examples, many other things come with such a lifestyle and eventually reflect on our physical and mental health.

It might sound bizarre to you but sitting behind a desk all day can damage your skin and reduce its life. What’s the logic? Here it is- your blood is not pumping fast when you're just sitting down all day long, taking away the much-needed oxygen and vital nutrients that are responsible for healthy skin.

Filters are good, but having naturally great skin is better. Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up and for that, watch your lifestyle right from this moment. How about starting with a simple and healthy habit? Sangsara’s Neem tablets , amidst all the other lifestyle changes, help you maintain a naturally glowing skin.

Most health issues caused by our sedentary lifestyles affect our skin and this is how-

  1. Alert: Overloaded! This one stands out amongst all the other health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, is it more likely a cause of all other health issues that a sedentary lifestyle can cause? Remember this equation, Prolonged periods of sitting = Burning fewer calories = Accumulating body fat It doesn't just end it. If this chain continues it can lead to a range of severe health conditions including low metabolism and hormonal imbalances. It is no secret that your skin shines only when you're healthy from within. But when the internal system is upset, it shows you on your skin as cystic acne and/or hyperpigmentation. Obesity can also increase oiliness in the skin due to excessive sebum production. At the worst, obesity restricts the formation of scar tissues which are important for your body's wound healing capacity.

  2. Anxiety and other psychological problems Too much time on machines means you're hardly spending any time in nature. Lack of natural light, fresh air, and rest contribute to issues like stees, anxiety, and depression. As mentioned before, your emotional and physical health affects your skin. Continuous and excessive stress and anxiety can intensify your pre-existing skin problems and can also reflect freshly in the form of acne, blemishes, and dullness of the skin.

  3. Cardiovascular disease A report by the NY State Department of Health, People having a sedentary lifestyle have a 30-50 percent greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in their lifetime. Longer periods of sitting can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and largely contributes to high cholesterol levels, heart diseases, hypertension, and diabetes. Just 30 mins of exercise in the morning cannot be enough for the entire day of work. That won't help! It is ideal to cut down your sitting time and move around every 20-30 minutes. Such health conditions greatly affect your skin, causing premature ageing, breakouts, inflammation, lines, wrinkles, and increased hyperpigmentation. Looking at these, you stress more and the cycle goes on!

  4. Lack of sleep/ Insomnia Often in our busy routines, we don't prioritise sleeping patterns. It's not common to hear these days- " I just slept for 2 hours last night", or "I binged this whole series last night and it was fun!"

We end up sleeping either too little or not at all. And if someone manages to sleep in time, deep sleep is rare luck! Lack of good and restorative sleep, along with causing a range of other mental and physical health problems, is a catalyst for cortisol surge, causing excessive acne on your skin.

The question now is how to reduce the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on our skin?

It isn't easy to change our lives (especially after the pandemic when Work From Home has become the new normal), but we can always take preventive measures and steps to regulate how it affects our health and especially our skin. Color never mattered, but healthy skin is everyone's dream. You feel extremely confident to face the world when you know your skin is healthy.

Here are the there golden keys to ensure that-

  1. Know that no amount of any cosmetic product can ever make for naturally glowing and healthy skin. But natural home remedies and the use of natural extracts like neem are very helpful in making your skin look effortlessly beautiful. Sangsara's Neem Softgel Capsules are a magic recipe for those dealing with the skin and hair-related problems caused by sedentary lifestyles and health conditions. Not just this, it also helps with reducing ulcers and improving the body wound healing process.

  2. Identify some activities that make you happy and include them in your daily routine. It's worth treating yourself to a spa day, a good nap, a plateful of wholesome food, a fun movie, your favourite playlist, or a warm bath. This helps your body, mind, and skin relax and repair for the next day.

  3. Manage your time and include breaks. Simply getting up and standing for 5 minutes, a stroll in your garden, or even going to get water from the kitchen are some ways to include activity in your otherwise inactive life. A tip to achieve this is to keep some of your essentials far away from you, so you have to get up and walk to get them!

Regardless of anything, invest in your skin, it's going to represent you for a very long time, in fact until your last breath. There's no instant miracle cure, beautiful skin requires commitment. The commitment of time, effort, and a better lifestyle.

So, let's get started now!

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